Saturday, November 15, 2014

Fall Leaves Nail Art

Yay it is fall! I love fall weather and the beautiful foliage all around.  I am from New Jersey, so if you live somewhere that this does not happen, I'm sorry.  You are missing out.  However, New Jersey's weather is so crazy that fall lasts a whole two weeks.  I just want to say now, I am not a professional photographer, so with each blog post or nail design, I may try something new to find the best lighting for my nails.  I am aware this was not the best; bare with me as this is a learning experience.  

For the background of the nails I used Ulta Sun-sational, China Glaze Stoked to br Soaked, a little no named polish from a Sephora OPI collection, and Essie Luxeffect As Gold as it Gets.

I started by painting all my nails yellow. 

Using a make-up sponge to get a good ombre effect, I painted a row of yellow, orange, and red.  Then dab the sponge on your nails, it does not have to be perfectly placed, the slightly messy it is, the less streaky it becomes.  Then I added a coat of the gold glitter.

For the leaves, I am using three new polishes I just bought and am excited about!!!  Finger Paints Artist's Inspirtation, Orly Prince Charming, and Nina Ultra Pro Gladiator. 

Using a small detailing brush, I started to paint leaves.  I only did this on my pinky, middle finger, and thumb, but feel free to paint leaves where ever you want.  I started painting the leaves with the darkest brown and used the other two polishes to add more depth.  

Here is the finished product!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Frankenstein Nails

I hope everyone is having a great fall.  Here in New Jersey the weather is wonderful these past couple days which make hiking, running, and just being outside great.  It would be amazing if this weather lasts.  I think these are and will be one of my favorite designs I did this year!!! I love how cute they came out.  The colors really pop which adds to the quirky-ness.

For this mani I used a bunch of bright colors.  This was the first time I used polish from L'Oreal and I really liked it.  The colors used are: Cover Girl Vio-Last, L'Oreal New Money, Cover Girl Go-Go Mango, Maybelline Color Show Onyx Rush, Cover Girl Snow Storm. I didn't intend to use all Cover Girl, but I have bought so many of their polishes in the past because they usually have the bright colors.  

To start paint all four nails in the green (leave the thumb blank; we'll get there later).  To make it easy, we'll go design by design.  First, we'll discuss the patches.

Start by doing a diagonal swipe in orange on both the pinky and pointer fingers.  If you do not feel comfortable doing this freehand, feel free to use scotch tape as a guide.  Take the tape off while the polish is still wet.  Once the orange has dried add another diagonal swipe in purple.  Make sure the orange is REALLY dry if you are using tape.

Using a striping brush, outline the lines of the colors in black.  Then using the brush or a skinny dotting tool, add little stitch marks.  Easy enough.  Next comes the Bride of Frankenstein...

Start by painting the top half of the nail black.  I did a jagged line on purpose by waving the polish brush for her hair.

Using a large dotting tool, add two white dots for her eyes.  Using the dotting tool (the same one, or slightly smaller one) make 5 dots and blend them together to make  white streak in her hair.  Then using a small dotting tool, add black pupils to her eyes.

Frankenstein has two parts: his head and body.  For his head do a similar jagged line as his bride, however it should be higher along the nail. Using the large dotting tool, add two white dots for his eyes.

Using a small dotting tool, add black pupils in his eyes.  You can use the dotting tool or striping brush to make a small mouth and stitch lines.

Now we get to the thumb.  Start by painting it purple.  

I used scotch tape to make my lines so clean, but add a white V as his shirt.

Once the white is dry, grab the striping brush.  I started by outlining the white shirt and adding a middle line down the purple.  Next, outline the jacket collar and bring it down to outline his arms.  As final touches, grab the small dotting tool to add buttons and the large dotting tool to add two green fists. 

And now you have the cutest Frankenstein ever!!!

I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Spider Web Nails

I love Halloween and all the fun stuff around it.  Dressing up is one of my favorite things to do, even as an adult.  I have these fun nails and some others to post on the blog.  I tried these a few ways before I found the way I like it the best. 

For the nails, except the pinky I used Nail Tek Intensive Therapy II as a base coat, Cover Girl Snow Storm, Sally Hansen Black Out, Maybelline Color Show (Jewel Collection) Gleaming Graphite- only used on pointer finger, and Essie Good to Go as a top coat.

For the pinky I used the new Push and Shove from OPI Gwen Stefani Collection. This came with Lay Down that Base Coat.

For the spider webs I started with a white base coat.  

Using a make-up sponge I dropped black and white on the edge.  Then dabbed the nail to get a nice spongy look.

One the paint dries, it is time to paint the web.  Using a skinny striping brush, I painted diagonal lines on the nail.  Don't paint them parallel to each other, it will look more like a web if the lines are fanned out.  join each line with little swooping lines.

For the first time ever I used jewels in my nails; I have to say I kinda liked it.  To do this put the top coat on; while the paint is still wet use tweezers to place the jewels on.  I put another top coat to help the nails feel smoother.

For the pointer finger, I did a basecoat of the black.  When that dried I did two coats of the glitter polish.  The pinky is the base coat and then two coats of the chrome polish.

Look forward to Frankenstein nails next!!!  Happy October!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Pumpkin Patch Nails

Welcome to my how to for pumpkin patch nails.  When I think of fall I think of...

I took this picture last Monday while apple picking on my day off! So why not celebrate that on my nails???

For this mani I used these colors.  Nail Tek Intensive Therpay II as a basecoat, OPI- You're so Vain-illa, China Glaze- Stoked to be Soaked, Ulta- Sun of a Gun, Revlon- POSH, Ulta- Soho Pretty, and Essie Good to Go Top Coat.

To start, I painted all of my nails with the You're so Vain-illa, but I changed my mind throughout this process.  You can leave the ring finger without it and just paint it with the green.

On the middle finger and thumb I did a pumpkin.  For this you take the polish brush and paint the lighter orange on the bottom half of the nail. With the brown, add a stem.  I just used the polish brush for this as well, nothing fancy.  For all of the details on this mani I used a toothpick.  So use the small end of the tooth pick for the details.  I added darker orange to out line the pumpkin and went over the stem in the same brown.  I also added a little leaf with the green that you can see in the first picture.

On the pinky and pointer finger I did some nice lines.  For this I thought it would be better to not do lines on the whole nail.  I used skinny nail tape, you can buy it on amazon or eBay for ridiculously cheap.  I thin k I got 10 rolls of nail tape for like $2. Place it on your nails to make 3 or 4 stripes.  I put a think line at the top as a buffer, because I tend to get messy.

Paint the stripes green.  While the polish is still wet take the tape off.  If you wait til it dries the paint will peel up, you can see this happened to my nail a little.  That's what I get when I am taking pictures in the sun, they dry too fast. 

Again take the small side of the toothpick and add dots with the darker orange. 

Once you paint your ring finger nail green, you are good to go!!!

Happy Fall!  The next couple posts will be Halloweeny, I'm excited.